Thursday, April 20, 2006

The "Comfort" Room!

I woke up 7 am this morning and found myself wanting to go to the comfort room to relieve myself off a call of nature. I have been having problems with my digestion and this morning was no exception. I woke up feeling really ill in my stomach. If I were to describe it, it's like having too much air in it. I heard it's called flatulence. Accompanying it is the feeling of sourness from within. I think I'm having some sort of ulcer or something. I don't know. All I know is I was there for almost an hour, (note: shower included)observing my painful condition. I realize, it's been weeks since I last took my medicine. I should be blamed for this. I should always have Zelnorm and Pancreflat in my closet. I'd probably would go to the drugstore next week. (Next week pa, Pal?)

Now because of my struggle in the bathroom, I was late again for work. I logged in at exactly 8:10 am, way ahead of the grace period. But I didn't mind. Somehow I accepted the fact that I could never be punctual this summer. In the office, I started furnishing some TOR. I was able to process 3 records. It's literally not "another-day-in-the-office" since my average production is alot more than that.

You know what I did? Here, editing my blog template. If you notice, I now have a chatbox and a video in my homepage. I got the idea of having a chatbox from a poster at MYPBA.COM. I'd like to thank her for this. I also imbedded a video of James Yap which I got from James Yap Online. He's my favorite PBA player, eh. I was pretty satisfied afterall this editing.

Yup, that's all I did. I just hope I'll get better when I go home later today. And tomorrow, I hope I won't be having a terrible appointment with Mr. Bowl again. Anyway, if you happen to experience the same thing, please share it with me.

Doctor help!!!!!!!


Post Script:

Looks like it's not a bad day afterall. I remember the Giant's won yesterday against Coke to grab second place in the current All-Filipino Conference. James Yap scored 14pts. and grabbed 10 rebs. Kerby Raymundo and Marc Pingris each had 15 points. Richard Yee contributed 10 points and Roger Yap mustered 11 points plus 6 assists.

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